Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Construction / Traffic Update from NID as of 9/28/10

Traffic Update for NID’s Banner Cascade Pipeline Project Construction

Construction on NID’s Banner Cascade Pipeline project continues on Banner Mountain .  Construction is currently taking place on Banner Lava Cap Road between both Altair Drive intersections and on Lee Lane . Expect 20 minute delays while watching for construction signage and flaggers as they help safely direct traffic through the construction zones. 

 If you need further information, contact Hugh Gordon, Project Ombudsman, at (530) 263-4352 or email:

Notices posted on the information boards:

Treated Water Pipe installation on

Banner Lava Cap Road

has resumed between the two
Altair Drive intersections.

Flaggers will be on site to safely direct traffic. 
Emergency vehicles will be given immediate access.
If possible, use alternate routes. Thank you for being patient.

Banner Cascade Pipeline Project Construction Schedule 9/27/10 to 10/22/10
Madrone Forest Drive
  • Vault construction is complete.  Pipeline testing is underway.
  • Final asphalt paving will begin in October after the Overland route between the Airport and Madrone Forest Drive is complete.
  • Phase one of restoration, soil stabilization, will begin after the final pavement has been completed.  Phase two of restoration, vegetation replanting, will be scheduled shortly thereafter.
  • Please continue to drive slowly on the gravel roadway. 
Overland between Madrone Forest Drive and the airport: 
  • Installation of the 36” raw water pipeline on the Overland section is completed. Testing and general clean up has started.
  • Phase one of restoration has begun; soil stabilization of the slope is underway.  Phase two of restoration, vegetation replanting, will begin after paving on Madrone Forest Drive is complete.
Airport & Loma Rica Water Treatment Plant: 
·        Final clean-up along pipeline route is underway.
·        Loma Rica Water Treatment Plant structures being constructed.
Lee Lane: 
  • 48” raw water pipeline installation continues. The treated water pipeline will follow.  Flaggers will get you through the construction as quickly as safety allows.  Thank you for your patience.
  • Lee Lane residents are invited to join NID for an on the street meeting 9/29 at 6:00 PM at the intersection of Lee Lane and Climbing Way .  NID would like to share the current construction plan and have residents’ input to create a workable plan to continue construction until weather no longer permits.
Idaho Maryland Road, between Lee Lane and Banner Lava Cap Road : 
·        Pipeline installation will begin after Banner Lava Cap Road section is completed.  Expected start date is 10/4.
Banner Lava Cap Road, between Idaho Maryland Road and Wings of
     Moring Drive: 
  • Teichert’s first crew is installing the treated water pipeline on Banner Lava Cap Road between the two Altair Drives. 
  • Phase one of restoration, soil stabilization, will begin after the treated water pipeline installation has been completed.  Phase two of restoration, vegetation replanting, will be scheduled shortly thereafter.
Construction Scheduled to Begin in 2011
Wings of Morning Drive
Opalite Way
Red Dog Cross Road
Clipper Creek Siphon
Overland from Madrone Forest Drive to Red Gate Road
Red Gate Road
Banner Lava Cap Road to E. George Water Treatment Plant

Monday, September 20, 2010

NID Documents

NID has provided the following documents.  Read them with a grain of salt or maybe an entire shaker.

Fire Protection Plan

Ombudsman Job Description

Particulate Emission Plan (appropriately titled emission not control)

Speeding trucks

 I want to mention that there have been a few times on Idaho-Maryland that the trucks coming up ( and going down) are speeding and I have had to honk at them to slow down.  I think they are trying to get speed up in the low part so they don’t slow way down when the hill gets steeper on the way up.  On the way down they are loaded and would have a hard time stopping.  Regardless, they are going too fast and should watch the speed limits. 

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Banner Cascade Pipeline Project 24 Hour Contact Information

This information provided to us by NID

If you have questions or concerns, please contact us.
We’d like you to be informed on our plans for the project.

Hugh Gordon
NID Ombudsman
(530) 263-4352

Sarah Rohde
NID Information Coordinator and Ombudsman
(530) 913-0896

Brian Powell
NID Project Manager
(530) 271-6869 Office
(530) 277-8262 Cell

Brian Roth
Teichert Project Manager
(916) 825-3091
Emergency (800) 287-7383
Crime Prevention (913) 452-3535

Emergencies, 911
Nevada County Sheriff, (530) 265-7880
Nevada County Consolidated Fire Department, (530) 273-3158

Banner Cascade Pipeline Project Construction Schedule 9/13/10 to 10/8/10

This information provided to us by NID
Madrone Forest Drive: 
  • Final asphalt paving will begin in October after the Overland route, vault construction, and testing on Madrone Forest Drive are complete. Vegetation restoration will begin after paving is complete. Please continue to drive slowly on the gravel roadway.  We appreciate your continued patience with the construction process. 

Overland between Madrone Forest Drive and the airport: 
  • Teichert’s first crew is now installing the 36” raw water pipeline on the Overland section.

Airport & Loma Rica Water Treatment Plant: 
·        Final clean-up along pipeline route is underway.
·        Loma Rica Water Treatment Plant structures being constructed.

Lee Lane: 
  • Teichert’s second crew continues work on the 48” raw water pipeline installation. The treated water pipeline will follow.  Flaggers will get you through the construction as quickly as safety allows.  Thank you for your patience.

Idaho Maryland Road, between Lee Lane and Banner Lava Cap Road: 
·        Pipeline installation will begin after Banner Lava Cap Road section is completed.  Expected start date is 10/4.

Banner Lava Cap Road, between Idaho Maryland Road and Wings of
     Moring Drive: 
  • In October the first crew will return to install the treated water pipeline between the two Altair Drives. 

Construction Scheduled to Begin in 2011
Wings of Morning Drive
Opalite Way
Red Dog Cross Road
Clipper Creek Siphon
Overland from Madrone Forest Drive to Red Gate Road
Red Gate Road
Banner Lava Cap Road to E. George Water Treatment Plant

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

NID endangers drivers on Idaho Maryland Road

This truck and others were parked in this location, along the side of Idaho Maryland at the intersection with Morro Drive and Juniper Drive today Sept. 14, 2010.  I asked the driver not to park there because of the danger to cars trying to pull out and turn left onto Idaho Maryland.  The view of any cars coming up the road is totally obscured by the truck.  He said his boss told him to park there.  I would like to ask NID and Teichert to help prevent a major accident by not allowing trucks to park where the road is totally obscured to traffic entering the roadway.  It is just common sense.

Robert Bogart
Banner Mountain Homeowners Association

General Issues re: MMRP and construction

1. Reconstruction of slopes and replanting We need to know the plan for reconstruction of the slopes on Banner. There at least needs to be a plan to do something NOW before the rainy season sets in. We need to know the timing of reconstruction--I don't think we should have to wait until the entire project is done. They can do some things while they move along--at least to help with erosion.
a. We need to know the plan/timing for vegetation reconstruction. There is some confusion in the MMRP's and with what we were told by NID. It would be great if we could talk to NID reconstruction team--do they have one? The MMRP's said they should.
b. We were told that the "footprint" would be small----that the reconstruction plan will eventually make us whole again. (Nothing will do that!) With a project of this magnitude it will take a good reconstruction landscaper and understanding crew to make this happen to some level of satisfaction to us and following the MMRP's
c. The MMRP only talks about replacing large trees with a ratio of smaller trees. It also talks about seeding. It is not clear to me about the seed mixture--we need to make this clearer--no grasses! In other places in the MMRP it talks about replacing landowners landscaping only. It does not say what happens on county roads. I think we need a detailed plan as to what the intention is to replace natural vegetation too. Do we want that on the county roads? Do we have any say or is up to the homeowners along the road?
NOTE: We need to be sure to video tape Wings and other roads BEFORE they go down them. We would then have information to talk about with NID.
d. When they come to CLEAR CUT the easement (both permanent and temporary) on Wings we need to be guaranteed that they will replace natural vegetation too as well as rebuild our slopes on BOTH the temporary easements and permanent easements. Rebuilding the slopes also means replanting--and not just with the small trees that they will be putting in to replace the almost 100 year old trees that they are taking out. We need replanting of the natural vegetation or replanting of similar native plants. This will help compensate the loss of the big trees and help us deal with the way different look of our environment.
I know we accepted that our beautiful mountain won't look the same. I know we focus on the positive of the project--- treated water, fire hydrants, but we also need to hold them accountable for replanting our slopes with natural vegetation. We also need to hold them to the right type of seed mixture. If I am wrong here please someone help me to understand. . . I think we need to revisit the MMRP on replanting, rebuilding the slopes and come up with what we want. NO spraying with grass seed! But what about spraying with a mixture of "natural" grasses and native plants? This is very confusing in the MMRP's--wording seems convoluted and different on the various sections of the route.
3. Tree Canopy: I am very concerned about the canopy on the side of the road where they leave trees. As on Banner and on Lee, there construction crews take lots of room to turn around vehicles, etc. Those are very tall machines out there. Will they need to cut back the canopy on the rest of Lee Wings (For Wings one side will be lost totally due to easements.) If they cut back canopy too much we will loose all shade and will have more snow accumulation. Plus the look of the area will be even more barren and stark compared to our forested tree lined streets. I am also concerned about cutting the canopy too severally will damage the remaining trees. We need a qualified arborist to talk to us about these type of concern so a plan can be in place.
4. Fire danger---with the tree canopy and surrounding grasses. We need a plan that is safe, yet doesn't force them to clear any more or cut back canopy too much. Can they use any smaller machines when they come down Wings?
We need to hold them to the MMRP's re: fire precautions--smoking of workers, sparks from machines, and water trucks where they should be. . .
5. Easements: I don't think NID realized how much room they really need. Brian P and crew kept telling us not to be concerned---between leaving one side of the easement and replanting....but from what we have seen on Banner and Lee who are they kidding when they look at Wings? We need to talk about this big time! Can we get more Wings of Morning/Clipper Creek folks to express their concerns too? If they go out of the easements they will need to do a new CEQA.
6. Gravel: What is all the gravel that is lying around on the edges of the road on Banner past where they have already been. That needs cleaned up before the rains start. It should NOT be left to help rebuild the slopes. It is not natural. .
7. Road condition for the winter: Is anyone concerned about the road condition on Banner/Lee. Are they planning anything to improve the roads? Will the current condition impact snow removal equipment?
8. Big machinery: I guess the county allows them to leave the big equipment and pieces along the road at night and on weekends. I feel sorry for the folks on Lee. I also understand the work move it to approved storage stations--yet I do believe what they are doing is in violation of MMRP? Anyone want to look into this? We will need to know the plan for Wings---can you imagine a whole summer with this going on next year?
9. Ombudsman: We need a job description of the ombudsman and we need to think about what we want from them. They need to be proactive. Frankly, I don't think they are doing anything to help the public/homeowners.
10. Communication: The bulletin board don't work very well because we have to get out of our cars to pull information off. They are out of date. The web site should be updated WEEKLY or with ANY major changes. Last time it was updates was Aug. 24.
11. Weekend work: At least twice they have worked on Saturdays. It was posted on bulletin boards, small print, on some bulletin boards. We need a better way of communicating with the public. With all this blog, face book, etc technology--there should be a better way. When I got stopped last Saturday at 8:30 (making me 20 minutes late for an important meeting.) The traffic person said they thought there would be less traffic. When I came home on Saturday, there were over 15 cars waiting to go through. They don't know life up here on the mountain very well. .
The MMRP's state they have to ask permission of homeowners to work on Saturdays--I wonder if they did with the poor folks. . . I understand the need to work on Saturdays sometimes--they just need to work on better communication so we can plan.
12. Big boards---did anyone notice that it says until Sept. 17? Is that a misprint--should it say Oct. 17?
13. MMRP's: I am still wondering about differences in format between the MMRP's that were in the FEIR/Settlement and the MMRP's on the website. My Brian is going to take a look at them--makes me nervous as to who wrote the new format for the contractor and what could have gotten left out and mis-communicated. To keep things the same they should have used the exact same wording in the FEIR/Settlement. Anyone else looking into this? Maybe we need to add this one to the list of for Marsha to look at.
14. Other agencies/policies: Throughout the MMRP's, NID refers to following the policies, best practices, etc. of other agencies. How do we get copies of these to be sure they are in compliance?

Naptime on Lee Lane

NID violates law and MMRP

NID consistently runs trucks filled with dirt down Idaho Maryland without any covering on the truck loads, allowing the dry dirt to blow out all along the roadway. Several times I have communicated this to NID. NID claims that the material is loaded below the lip of the truck but the loads are not wetted down and are not covered and material is still spilling.

MMRP 3.10-1, 3.10-2, 3.10-3 item g states "All material transported shall be either sufficiently watered or securely covered to prevent a public nuisance."

See below email from Brian Powell.

Thank you for the information. I did make a point to check out the loading process and follow several trucks down the hill on Thursday and did not notice any violations. Teichert personnel were making sure that the dirt material is leveled off and not over the rails of the truck where it could spill out. They are also checking the truck before it leaves the area for any loose material on the fenders or side rails.

The CHP was observing the operation on Thursday and to my knowledge there were no violations cited on the trucks transporting the soil.

The vehicle code does state transport of these types of material on Highways and technically Teichert is not transporting on the Highway. They are transporting the material along Banner Lava Cap, Idaho Maryland Road, Brunswick Road and Loma Rica Drive over to the Airport property. It is not unusual for haul trucks in the area (e.g., Fosters, Rare Earth and others) to transport soil material without covers. That being said and in the interest of not causing any nuisance in the neighborhood, I will talk with Teichert again regarding the hauling operation and will let you know the conclusion of our discussion.

Thank you,

Brian Powell

Projects Manager

Nevada Irrigation District

(530) 271-6869

VC Section 23114 Spilling Loads on Highways

Spilling Loads on Highways

(d) For purposes of this section, "aggregate material" means rock fragments, pebbles, sand, dirt, gravel, cobbles, crushed base, asphalt, and other similar materials.

(e) (1) In addition to subdivisions (a) and (b), a vehicle may not transport any aggregate material upon a highway unless the material is covered.

Monday, September 13, 2010

MMRP volition on Lava Cap Mine Rd 8-12-10

EIR Mitigation Measure 3.12-5: Workers’ Parking

1. The Contractor shall require that construction workers’ personal vehicles,

when not in use, be parked at a staging area or other suitable area at all

times and shall not block or otherwise interfere with normal residential traffic.

The Contractor shall be responsible for locating and proposing suitable

Staging Areas, subject to agreement with the Staging Area property owner for

such use, and subject to the District’s review and approval.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Meeting scheduled with NID / Teichert

At the 9/8/10 NID Board meeting Banner Mountain Homeowners’ Association requested a meeting with NID pipeline project leadership and Teichert Construction to discuss violations of the MMRPs (Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program), the lines of communicate between NID and the contractor along with the role of the ombudsmen, and the procedures open to the community for expressing concerns.

The requested meeting is currently scheduled for 6:00 PM on September 16, 2010 at NID headquarters, 1036 WEST MAIN STREET, GRASS VALLEY. Even if you are planning on attending the meeting we would like you to post your concerns here, with pictures if you have them. So far the following items have been brought to our attention:

Noise from Jack hammer

Excess dust preventing opening windows on hot days & affecting solar panels

Clogged culverts

Roads closed without prior notice

Damage to property

Kids walking alone through construction zone

Trucks parking in school bus loading zone

Truck not being covered

Lack of a fire plan

Teichert employees smoking in high fire areas, littering and urinating on private property

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

MMRP Violations # 2 - Submitted by Frank Lawrence

Here are a couple more pics taken Sept. 3, about 10:45 a.m., of construction equipment belching smoke. I suspect these violate MMRP 3.10-1 Controlling Particulate Emissions. They are supposed to "determine specific measures to control particulate emissions from construction." And to submit a plant to NSAQMD. Hard to believe these machines comply.

MMRP Violations - Submitted by Frank Lawrence

Here are a couple of pictures I took. The first was taken Wednesday, August 18, about 3:15 p.m. of a construction truck parked in the school bus stop on Banner Lava Cap. I believe that this is a violation of MMRP 3.12-7 School Bus Provisions: "During construction along Banner Lava Cap Road, existing school bus stops would be maintained." etc.
The second was taken September 2, 2010, about 3:30 p.m. and shows some kids walking home from the bus stop unsupervised along side traffic in the construction zone. I believe that this is also a violation of MMRP 3.12-7 School Bus Provisions: "To ensure the safety of these school children, NID and the construction contractor(s) would ... rigorously maintain proper control at all school bus loading zones.... Adequate measures shall be taken to separate students ... walking to and form the temporary bus stops from the construction zone."

Purpose and How To

Purpose:  This blog is intended for residents to post their issues regarding the NID / Teichert construction project for the Banner Cascade Pipeline.  If you have any concerns that you would like to bring to the attention of the Banner Mountain Homeowners Association, please feel free to post them here or you may email direct to

How To: To post simply login as with password banner33.  Or you can leave a comment anonymously.  If you leave a comment it will be reviewed by our webmaster before going live.  Posts will go live immediately but are subject to review if any material is deemed inappropriate.